Meeting Minutes
Economic Development Commission
Tuesday, December 4th, 5:00pm
City Hall Auditorium
Attendance: Jim Thibault, Rose Ponte, Dawn Gutowski, Bill Battle, George Noujaim, Nancy Sieller, Greg Mele, JoAnn Ryan, Tim Waldron
Meeting was opened to the public on a motion made by Dawn Gutowski and seconded by JoAnn Ryan.
Minutes of last months meeting were not available and will be approved at the next meeting.
Economic Development Director Rose Ponte updated the commission that she has been in touch with the Downtown Consultant Margie Johnson and she was in the process of finalizing her report based upon her two visits to Torrington in the Fall. The final report will be sent to commissioners once available.
JoAnn Ryan discussed with the commission the recent business survey that the Northwest Chamber, in collaboration with CBIA had completed. The survey discussed various economic factors that affect businesses in our region.
Bill Battle suggested lobbying our state/federal representatives regarding the concerns the EDC had. The commission agreed that it is a good idea to invite legislators to our meeting. JoAnn Ryan announced that the Chamber is hosting a legislative reception on Tuesday, December 9th and that EDC members are invited to attend.
Jim Thibault passed around a list of businesses that have been suggested as places to visit for the Business Visitation. After discussion amongst the commission, the list was whittled down to 5 various companies throughout Torrington, Rose will begin calling the companies to schedule visits.
Rose Ponte updated the commission on the recent bid for a marketing consultant for the City of Torrington. It was explained that this person would assist in a branding campaign and marketing the City of Torrington and various events throughout the entire city.
Rose Ponte had compiled a list of companies that had at one time or another expressed an interest in a certain property in Torrington but had been able to close a deal. The document listed the property and a reason for why the company did not move forward with moving to Torrington. The commission will review the document to form their own thoughts and discussion will be held at the next meeting. Rose had also handed out an annual report that she had compiled which listed different businesses that have moved to Torrington, expanded, or closed and or relocated out of Torrington.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:47pm on a motion by Greg Mele, seconded by Bill Battle.
Submitted by:
Tim Waldron